On the way back home I suddenly see something beautifully abandoned and I decide to leave the car. I have the special interest to old Russian forgotten churches, and I want to explore.
I think I felt in love with this villa immediately I saw it on the pictures. That’s why there were no doubts that I go there even though it was a big adventure.
A private and intimate “tu per tu” with a skeleton of the past takes us into the greyer and more hidden meanders and corridors of the province of Padua.
This could be one of the best attractions in this small city located on the north from Moscow. Though happened what happened and it stays abandoned now.
One of the only villages by the North Arctic Ocean, whee tourists can come – Teriberka. One of the only places in Russia where people come not just to see sights, but as well to see abandoned places. Of course Stalker couldn’t miss that opportunity – take a look on Ship Cemetery with us!
All Moscovites come here, in the small village Teriberka, to see all abandoned – people, roades, buildings, lifes. In Moscow there is another life, then here, on the edge of the world.
Before there was official quarantine in Crimea, we flew there and immediately took a car to see an old dream – greenhouse “Winter Garden”.
Paris, the capital of love, at least on the surface…
If the skull is facing the wall, it means that the person has committed sins in life, and therefore will go to hell.
The dwelling remained empty for quite some time; it brings back the tragic story of bloody and ruthless murder.