Villa Miari

Villa Miari abbandonata

In the heart of Montebello Vicentino stands one of the oldest and most majestic mansions in the town, Villa Miari. Surrounded by a vast park of 18,000 square metres, this Palladian villa is now abandoned.

Villa Miari abbandonata

The History of Villa Miari: From Origins to Decay

The history of Villa Miari dates back at least to the 16th century. Initially owned by the Noble Righi of Vicenza, the villa was sold in 1845 to Antonio Zanuso, who used it as accommodation for workers in the construction of the railway. This brief period led to a rapid deterioration of the building, only to be restored in 1850 when it passed into the hands of Baroness Francesca Herman. However, during the restoration work, a beautiful Ionic loggia that adorned the northern part of the villa was demolished.

The Modifications and Transfers of Ownership of the Villa

On the main façade of the villa, facing south, stand three statues representing Hercules, Mercury and Saturn, testimony to the neoclassical elegance of the building. Subsequently, the villa changed hands several times: from the Counts Mocenigo in 1870, to Marchesa Anna Miari Carlotti in 1890, to Ludovico Miari, the last descendant of the family, in 1922. The latter placed two statues of Adam and Eve at the sides of the entrance, from Villa Miari all’Anconetta.

The Architectural Charm of Villa Miari

Over the years, the villa has undergone several modifications, but its charm has remained intact. Other notable architectural structures, such as the old stables and an 18th-century building restored by Cristoforo Castellani, add further historical value to the complex. However, fire and neglect have wiped out part of this heritage, as demonstrated by the 1869 fire that destroyed one of the adjacent villas.

Villa Miari Today: A Residence for Sale

Today, Villa Miari is for sale, listed in the portals of exclusive Italian real estate firms. The description highlights its dominant position on the hill of Montebello, from which there is a breathtaking view of the Berici Mountains. The monumental double ramp entrance and the neoclassical façade with statues crowning the roof are just some of the features that make the villa an architectural jewel. The ancient stables still stand within the park, offering the potential for reuse that could transform the complex into a luxury hotel with 85 rooms.

Villa Miari abbandonata
Villa Miari abbandonata

Montebello Municipality’s Opportunity Vanished

The Montebello municipal administration had initially considered the possibility of acquiring Villa Miari to annex it to the municipal heritage, but the high costs made the operation impracticable. ‘We looked for alternative solutions, but none were feasible,’ said Mayor Dino Magnabosco, regretting the missed opportunity to preserve such an important piece of local history.

Villa Miari abbandonata

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