Hello our dear followers! This time we decided to talk with you not about abandoned buildings itself but about our impressions.
On the 5th of June we finished the longest journey of our lives. On the 27th of January we arrived in Bangkok, Thailand, and from there it all started.
For four months we visited Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia and Singapore.

We enjoyed every day of our journey and we will always remember it. We not just discovered new places, talked with new people and explored new culture. We were as well trying to find for our dear followers some abandoned places, looking for its history and take good photos.

We want you not just visit touristic places in Southeast Asia (SEA), but search for some hidden that can be sometimes more interesting than the “usual” and tourist places.
Abandoned monasteries, mosques, churches, cities, hotels, museums, amusement parks – all these are waiting for you in your journey into SEA. This all we described in our last article about best abandoned places to visit in SEA.
How are abandoned places in that part of the world?
All abandoned places that we met in SEA were different from what we used to see in Europe. Almost in every were some signs of Buddhism – house of spirits or images of Buddha. It was very unique for us!

The second difference is dangers that are waiting for you during exploration.

In SEA it’s normal to meet some straw dogs that will bark on you, or even see some snakes! Usually if the place is located in forest – there will be mosquitoes, so don’t forget to take with you repellent spray during exploration!
I was always feeling afraid during explorations. But luckily near me was Jacopo who was always trying to make me feel safe.

At first sight, there is not much difference with abandoned places we met in Europe. Some are shopping mall, others museum or old prisons. What mostly differs are mainly two important things: vegetation and the energy.

Let’s start from the latter one, saying that what surround you, what flows around, the smell which joins your olfaction has a different taste. The atmosphere is more calm, quite almost at the point to say “relaxed”. Of course never let your guard down as everything can happen.
What I meant is hard to explain with words but I can add that exploration, in some points, was more pleasant than the “usual” abandoned place we came across along our travels. The vegetation help in all this, giving to the abandoned place a touch of exotic. Here trees and weed are prouder, more determined. They “defeat” human in their battlefield, taking its revenge. They cover the wall, they creep into the floor and protrude from another room. All this always accompanied by some buddhist items, or something related to its philosophy.

At difference of what Nastia says, I think animals are not a great threat. I met only few times snakes, which were already meters far away from me as soon they heard my steps. Other wild animals as monkeys or dogs will not attack unless you will not hurt them and their home. Remember to ask always a “formal permission” before entering in some abandoned location, as beings from there could not be that happy to have a guest in that moment.